Semantic Study of the Death by Emphasis on Relations of Linguistical Replacements: Semantic linguistics study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Arabic Department, Kharazmi University


The concept of Death is one of the most elevated points of view of Arab poets of Pagan era which scholars of Arabic literature try to study it by putting aside linguistics and its mechanism and more emphasis on psychological and historical stylism. Thus, this essay is aimed to study the concept of death by semantics readings because the semantic function of the words and means of distinctions is used to better understanding of the poetry meaning and thereof by Descriptive Analytical method and emphasis on Replacement law and it's ways such as verbal, nominal and letter replacement, to clarify the relation between Death and Replacement law, importance of linguistical succession and Means of linguistical distinctions in literary texts. This study states that Pagan era poetry is closely related to Replacements and linguistical mechanisms , for it is each linguistical function of each word that replace and utilizes the meaning according to its nearest different forms so that the importance of replacement or differentiation of semantic distinctions between linguistical mechanisms, multiplication of semantic linguistical distinctions and semantic application and meanings and forming of linguistical coherence in texts because linguistical replacement are different in importance, function and meaning. Accordingly, the concept of death in Pagan era literature and it's relation with means of distinction and linguistical replacement is a conflict and struggle between mundane and hereafter redemption, war and carnage, matter of counsel and Advisability from events and tragedies of the time and preparation for the afterlife.
