Two phenomena of Referral and Rhythm in the Poetry of Imam Abdul Hamid Bin Badis “Tahiyat Elmawlid Elkarim” Poem As A Sample

Document Type : Original Article


Al-Bashir Brahimi University, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria


The research treats two stylistic phenomena in the poetry of Imam Abdul Hamid ben Badis al-Jazairi. His poem "Tahiyat Elmawlid Elkarim" as the subject of the approach. The two phenomena were represented by the rhythm and the reference. both of these are result from the use of language or style in the structure of the poem. The research choses the study of the two phenomena by using the concept of displacement  as  a procedural tool in determining the stylistic phenomenon, description, analysis and interpretation. The research shows also the related to them with them as they operated on the coherence and cohesion of the text, and participated in the production of meaning and building. The main findings are  summarized in the conclusion at the end of the research.
